Sunday, October 5, 2008

Out of Africa

Back from Uganda and there are no spider babies in my bag. Whew.

I know I'm a broken record but hey, I rarely take a trip I don't love, so I'll go ahead and say it: amazing. We spent 2 days in the bush - Murchison Falls National Park, to be more precise - and 2 days in transit back and forth from Kampala (6+ hours on unpaved mud roads but tooooooootally worth it).

It was my first time in really "middle of nowhere" Africa and I LOVED it, especially in contrast to disturbian (does it count as a word if it was coined by a Rihanna song?!) Dubai. The two nights we spent at the Nile Safari Lodge were absolutely sublime - game drives all day and wine on the banks of the Nile all night, with fabulous fabulous company. (Sadly, New Guy Friend M - the erstwhile potential crush - was outed the first night. Another one bites the fairy dust.)

Pictures shall be on the Facebooks soon.

The only lowlight of the trip (and it is actually quite hilarious, in retrospect) was a brief and possibly psychosomatic Lariam-induced freakout where my heart started beating really fast and I kind of felt like I was going to throw up and have my head start spinning around my body - or in L's words, I "went all Heart of Darkness on everyone." Needless to say, I'll shell out the extra cash for the less side effect-inducing Malarone next time I'm in a malarial zone (although at $10 for Lariam vs. $125 for shmancy-pants Malarone, a little bout of kraziness seems to be a wise economic trade-off).

At any rate, I heart African adventures and I can't wait to get back. Next trip, potentially for Eid Al Adha in December: Rwanda or Eritrea. Game on.