Sunday, October 19, 2008

In Which I Further Consolidate My Grasp On C-List Power

These will not go up on Facebook because That Would Be Gauche, but I nonetheless wanted to share these pictures with my new friend Bev so that those of you who grew up watching "Seventh Heaven" could have a chuckle.

She just got married in Ravello and stopped through Dubai to see my friend TK on the way back from from her honeymoon in the Maldives... so obvi, we all had to go out on TK's boat for a celebratory afternoon of dabauchery. (In the case of L & I, we had done a 15-mile training run that morning, which makes for a VERY messy afternoon of nautical drinking... let's just say I'm less sore from the mileage than from wiping out on the boat deck several times.)

Hilarious. At any rate, she's a very sweet girl AND she just released a country album, so we got to talk Nashville which is, of course, a rarity here.

In other news, I am headed to Damascus a week from today to finally work "from the field" on my new project. Yay!