Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Biggest Taj Mahal in the World

The weekend, in quotes:

"It's as though India is empty..." -K, gazing around Wild Wadi and making an astute observation about Dubai's demographic composition

"Come on, I work for the Ministry of Education... it's a start-up!" -JA, discussing the level of incompetence she encounters at her new job (and prompting us to remember that we live in a country where sure, the Ministry of Palm Tree-Shaped Island Construction is an established institution, but the Ministry of Education... eh, that's a start-up)

[Discussing the Taj Mahal replica that will be featured prominently in my development]
E: "Is it going to be life-sized?"
Me: "No, it's going to be bigger, actually... it'll be the biggest Taj Mahal in the world!"