Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Well-Shirted Traveler

So of course - because we are who we are, and hamdullah we have each other so we don't have to bewilder others with our sense of humor - Jojo, Mar, and I have just made plans to print t-shirts for our upcoming Syria trip.

The front will say:


The back is up for debate, between:

(a) Putting the "damn!" back in Damascus
(b) Party like it's 1429! [Ed. note: the current Islamic year is 1429]
(c) Hot in Dubai... Searing in Syria!

LOL. If you have a vote to cast, please feel free to email/Gchat it my way.

(And no Schmom, we will not really wear the t-shirts in Syria, it is more to have them as a memento. Just to preempt that "I really think you should be more careful when you travel" email. ;-))